Workout Summary 2019 + 2020 Goals.


For 2019, I did a total of ~316 hours of tracked workouts. I worked out 236 days out of 365 days in some form. Another good year… although I did not break my last two years’ records on hours or days (they tracked stroller walks w/ Calico which I dropped this year).

I rode 132+ hours on my bike and biked 115 days out of 365. I covered around 2,252km. About 60 hours less than 2018 but a very good year.

Strength / Rehab
I am stronger than I have ever been in my life which is cool. I’ve never really done strength training and Jeff has taught me a ton. It keeps my back pain free – and hopefully, my body better ready to handle adventures.

Fun stats:

  • I rode 2,252km this year on my bike. My 2nd highest year (only counting outdoor rides).
  • My longest bike ride this year was ~61km over 3 hours and 6 minutes (6th longest ever).
  • I did 119 strength training rehab sessions this year. That is about 2.2x a week (good habit).
  • My average strength training session was 45 minutes.

  • What are my workout goals for 2020?
    I am living in Europe and I ordered a new touring bike so I am hoping to do a ton of adventures on it! And, I want to stay strong and pain-free.

    1. Build a good base on my bike so I can do repeated 4 to 6 hours no problem. Right now that means riding 3x to 4x a week with one or two long rides on the weekend. Regardless just explore as much as I am able with work and family.

    2. Keep doing my strength training and build a ~3x a week habit to keep my back healthy and get stronger.

    3. Throw in some fun challenges here and there. I’ve been doing soccer juggling and I am thinking of trying a 30-day pushup challenge or something.

    Past years: 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018 workout summary.

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    posted under Fitness & Sports

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    This is bwb’s personal blog, so he can share his thoughts with the world, however scary or silly they might be. Plus family and friends can track what I am up to, and where I am in the world.

    I am pretty simple. I love Mangos. I love the ocean (although mostly at sunset, as I’m a ginger). I love to travel, eat exotic food, do long bike rides, read, and use my imagination. At some point, I decided it was better to be a pirate captain than an admiral. I am a globalist and see the entire world as my responsibility and playground. And I am married to an amazing woman who makes life even more fun :)! And we are now the proud parents of Calico Jack :).
